CUDA-Q x Fermioniq#

Fermioniq’s emulator is also integrated with the NVIDIA CUDA-Q platform for quantum computing. Here we show you an example of how to run quantum circuits on the Fermioniq backend, using the CUDA-Q Python API.

  1. Install the CUDA-Q Python package

  2. Save your credentials in the environment variables FERMIONIQ_ACCESS_TOKEN_ID and FERMIONIQ_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET

  3. Use the cudaq.set_target() function to specify that you wish to use the Fermioniq backend

import cudaq
import numpy as np

It is also possible to specify the remote config, which project within your organization you are using, and emulation parameters like the bond dimension.

cudaq.set_target("fermioniq", **{
    "remote_config": "<my-remote-config-id>",
    "project_id": "<my-project-id>",
    "bond_dim": 200

We should now be ready to run CUDA-Q circuits with the Fermioniq backend! In this example we will simulate the time evolution of a lattice of spins, using the transverse field Ising model.

\(H = J \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} Z_i Z_j + h \sum_i X_i \)

The first term describes the energy of the coupling between neighbouring spins, and the second one the energy contribution of a transverse magnetic field. A more detailed explanation of the underlying ideas behind this quantum circuit can be seen in our blog post. We start by defining some parameters of the simulation.

# Parameters for the Ising model and Trotterization
J = -1. # Coupling strength
hx = -2. # Transverse field strength
DT = 0.2 # Time step size
LX = 4 # Number of spins in x-direction
LY = 4 # Number of spins in y-direction
N_QUBITS = LX * LY # Total number of qubits
THETA_INIT = 0. # Angle defining the initial state of the qubits
N_TROTTER_STEPS = 20 # Number of Trotter steps
TROTTER_ORDER = 2 # Order of the Trotterization

The \(R_{ZZ}(\phi)\) operator is not natively supported in CUDA-Q so we need to register it ourselves. For our simulation we use \(\phi = 2 \times dt \times J\)

el = np.exp(-0.5j*(2 * DT * J) )
trotter_rzz_array = np.array([[el, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, el.conj(), 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, el.conj(), 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, el]])

cudaq.register_operation("trotter_rzz", trotter_rzz_array)

We are now ready to define the time evolution circuit!

def trotterized_ising(
    N_qubits: int,
    flat_couplings: list[int],
    J: float,
    hx: float,
    dt: float,
    theta_init: float,
    n_trotter_steps: int,
    trotter_order: int,
    # Prepare the initial state where every qubit 
    # is in the state cos(theta_init)|0> + sin(theta_init)|1>
    qubits = cudaq.qvector(N_qubits)
    rx(theta_init, qubits)

    # Order 1 Trotterization
    if trotter_order == 1:
        for r in range(n_trotter_steps):
            for i in range(0, len(flat_couplings), 2):
                q_i, q_j = qubits[flat_couplings[i]], qubits[flat_couplings[i+1]]
                trotter_rzz( q_i, q_j)
            for j in range(N_qubits):
                rx(2 * dt * hx, qubits[j])
    # Order 2 Trotterization
    elif trotter_order == 2:
        for j in range(N_qubits):
            rx(2 * dt * hx/2, qubits[j])
        for r in range(n_trotter_steps):
            for i in range(0, len(flat_couplings), 2):
                q_i, q_j = qubits[flat_couplings[i]], qubits[flat_couplings[i+1]]
                trotter_rzz( q_i, q_j)
            for j in range(N_qubits):
                rx(2 * dt * hx, qubits[j])
        for j in range(N_qubits):
            rx(-2 * dt * hx / 2, qubits[j])

We also need to define which spins in the lattice are coupled. We use a nearest-neighbor coupling with periodic boundary conditions.

def get_couplings():
    """Define the couplings for the 2D Ising model.
    The ordering of the qubits in the grid is row-major, i.e.
    for Lx=4, Ly=3 the qubits are ordered as follows:
    0  1  2  3
    4  5  6  7
    8  9  10 11

    The coupling is defined between nearest neighbors with periodic boundary. In the
    example above, qubit 0 is coupled to qubits 1, 3, 4, and 8.

    couplings : list[tuple[int, int]]
        List of pairs of indices of the qubits that are coupled
    couplings = []
    for i in range(LX):
        for j in range(LY):
            q_i = i * LY + j
            q_i_right = i * LY + (j + 1) % LY
            q_i_down = ((i + 1) % LX) * LY + j
            couplings.extend([[q_i, q_i_right], [q_i, q_i_down]])
    return couplings

This should be enough to run the CUDA-Q circuit. Let’s try it!

couplings = get_couplings()
# CUDA-Q does not support nested lists, so we flatten the list of couplings
flat_couplings = [index for pair in couplings for index in pair]

result = cudaq.sample(
    shots_count= 1000,


It is also possible to compute the expectation values of observables. The Hamiltonian we used for the time evolution is a natural choice.

from cudaq import spin

hamiltonian = 0.

# Transverse field terms
for i in range(N_QUBITS):
    hamiltonian += hx * spin.x(i) 

# Coupling terms
for i,j in couplings:
    hamiltonian += J * spin.z(i) * spin.z(j)

exp_val = cudaq.observe(
